Torus Guidelines and Policies

Volunteer Guidelines

To provide the best possible atmosphere for both volunteers and English Language Learners, we would like to ask you to abide by the following guidelines and recognitions:

  • Refugees and immigrants are often in a vulnerable state when they arrive in a new country and culture, so extra care needs to be taken.

  • We as volunteers must always show respect and affirmation, especially with regard to cultural practices and religion as this is a major factor in where each of us as humans find our identity, belonging, and value.

  • Be aware of power differentials and give absolute freedom to choose to be involved or not be involved in an activity or program. (In some cultures, invitations cannot be refused even though someone might not want to do something so it will take time to try to understand how your new friends interact with you and feel free to tell you what they really think.)

  • It is important for us to affirm and allow freedom of expression in thought, practices of religion, and cultural matters.

  • Worldviews, thoughts, beliefs, and practices may change over time. That is ok and, in fact, encouraged as it often shows growth. We should expect this in ourselves as volunteers as well as our “clients”.

  • We aim to match people of like gender as much as possible as language partners. However, this may not always be possible.

  • We discourage the pursuit of any romantic relationships within this program and if that becomes something we should be aware of, please just let us know and we will try to assist if appropriate.

  • Photos/videos of “clients” (English Language Learners) is something to be very careful about. Many people have fled dangerous situations and feel uncomfortable having their photos or video taken. Others may be unsure how you plan to use it. Be sure you get permission first.

  • I agree to hold Torus and its partnering organizations harmless for the mistakes and errors of “clients”, other volunteers, or partnering organizations (People-Places-Things, etc.), which may cause me stress, anger, etc. (Please let us know what is bothering you before it becomes a bigger issue.)

  • I recognize that racism, colonialism, and ethnocentricity are still present today and I agree to try my best to not act out of these worldviews but rather work to elicit positive change in both the lives of those I partner with as well as my own.

  • I will not use the word “illegal” to refer to a person.

  • I will not ask my clients or other volunteers if they are undocumented. (If they bring it up, that is ok to talk about but be sure you come with a learner’s attitude so you can better understand this complicated position further.)

  • I recognize that my English skills, skin color, religious background, zip code, income, gender, sexual orientation, health status, and other factors may be privileges that I have been afforded, in many cases through doing that is often not my own. I will strive at all times to be conscious of this and use these factors for good rather than to hold it in any place of superiority.

  • I will attempt to complete at least a 4-week match, but as a volunteer also reserve my right to stop at any time for any reason. (Please just give us fair warning when you know something may cause you to stop volunteering.)

  • Immigrants and refugees will come from a variety of backgrounds. Some may be more educated and wealthier than you as a volunteer. Like all human beings, some immigrants and refugees may have prejudices and be suspicious of those of different skin color, religion, sexual orientation, employment choice, etc. I will attempt to always be respectful even if inwardly shocked or offended, and offer guidance as I am able that will help our clients better navigate the new culture in which they find themselves.

  • I will ask for help when I need it, and freely offer it as I am able.

  • I agree not to gossip or spread false information.

  • I will do my best to be “on time” and try to communicate appropriately regarding any change in plan. I will also recognize that many others see time very differently and may be more “event-oriented” than “time-oriented”. I will therefore give grace and not be offended by the tardiness of clients, although I will also reach out to Torus staff if issues with learner attendance and scheduling begin to bother me before it becomes a bigger issue.

  • I will do my best to follow the guidelines for scheduling and communication that are also expected of our learners, which can be found here.

  • I will follow the guidelines for inappropriate behavior that are also expected of our learners, which can be found here.

  • I will not meet with a learner in-person without first letting the Torus staff know, as well as signing and submitting a waiver to Torus for myself. I will also make sure that the learner has signed and submitted a waiver to Torus before meeting up with them in-person.

  • When meeting a client in person, I agree to ask permission before hugging or touching another’s body. Because we all come from a variety of backgrounds we want to receive permission first so that we cause less offense. This may be most experienced in Muslim cultures or places where the sexes are more normally separated.

  • When meeting a client in person, I agree to ask permission before hugging or touching another’s body. Because we all come from a variety of backgrounds we want to receive permission first so that we cause less offense. This may be most experienced in Muslim cultures or places where the sexes are more normally separated.

  • I will reach out to leadership at Torus or the appropriate partnering organization if I have any problems, concerns, or cultural/value questions.

  • I will not share personal details of English Language Learners (names, phone numbers, emails, etc.) without their prior permission.


Torus Sexual Harassment Policy

Torus pledges to preserve a working environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual Harassment is against the law and is a form of gender discrimination. The aim of this policy is to prevent sexual harassment of any kind by anyone employed by or associated with the organization.

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or unwanted sexual attention by anyone associated with the organization, of any gender. Sexual harassment may include references to employment status or conditions, or may serve to create a hostile, intimidating or uncomfortable work environment. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: obscene jokes, lewd comments, sexual depictions, repeated requests for dates, touching, staring or other sexual conduct committed either on or off the premises of the organization.

Victims of sexual harassment have the right to sue both the company and the perpetrator by contacting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a state agency. For this reason, and for the protection of all our employees, Torus seeks to prevent sexual harassment.

All Torus employees, contractors, volunteers and students are responsible for helping ensure that our workplace is kept free of sexual harassment. If you feel you have been a victim of sexual harassment, report the behavior to our Sexual Harassment Policy Coordinators listed below or to any member of the Torus Board. If you have witnessed sexual harassment, you also are urged to report the incident so that prompt action may be taken.

All complaints will be treated seriously, kept as confidential as possible and investigated fully. Torus expressly forbids any retaliation against employees for reporting sexual harassment. If, however, the company finds that false charges have been filed, disciplinary action may be taken against anyone who provides false information.

If an investigation confirms that sexual harassment has occurred, immediate action will be taken to put an end to the harassment. Torus will take appropriate corrective actions against anyone found to be in violation of this policy, including possible termination of employment, volunteer placement or continued relationship with Torus.

Other Discriminatory Harassment

Torus strongly supports the rights of all to work, volunteer and learn in an environment free from all forms of harassment, including harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability. Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to:

● Epithets

● Negative stereotyping

● Slurs

● Threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to the above characteristics

● Written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of the above characteristics, and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, or elsewhere on the premises, or circulated in the workplace or affiliated online spaces.

In compliance with the EEOC Guidelines and our policy, Torus prohibits harassment of any kind. If the result of an investigation indicates that corrective action is called for, such action may include disciplinary measures up to and including immediate termination of the employment, volunteer placement or continued relationship with Torus.

Reports should be made to Harassment Policy Coordinators listed below or to any member of the Torus Board or staff. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process to the greatest extent possible. Complaints may also be made with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

Every complaint of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and investigated promptly with a set method to interview the accused, the accuser and potential witnesses, as well as a system to gather and record evidence. All parties will be treated with dignity and respect. All interviews will be conducted privately and ensure the confidentiality of the investigation.

Torus’ Harassment Policy Coordinators are:

Whitney Bannon

919 - 291 - 6417

Conall Anderson

971 - 777 - 2629